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XL Overlay laminates (Tag Tints) - 500 per roll

XL Overlay laminates (Tag Tints) - 500 per roll


Regular price $29.00 Ex GST
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XL Coloured Clear Laminate Overlays

Clear laminate overlays have been used for a long time to help protect test tags printed from tag printing systems such as the Protag, Optima and Metrel APAT systems. The clear layer protects the tag underneath from abrasion and also strengthens the tag.

XL overlays also compliment the XL UV stable test tags which without XL overlays are only available in grey/silver. XL overlays are available in Orange, Red, Blue, Yellow and Red. Coloured XL overlays provide colour an otherwise plain label. Therefore users of tag printing system no longer need to use a range of coloured rolls - XL overlays can be simply applied after printing to provide the desired colour.


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